Eleventh Hour Podcast Episode

Episode 131: Prepping for Publication: How and Where to Submit Your Manuscripts - Kelly Dwyer
Thursday, September 14, 2023
You've written and revised a novel, memoir, story, flash fiction, or poem, and now you want to submit it for publication.

Episode 130: Writing into (and out of) Trope, Cliche, and Abstraction - Anna Bruno
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
To borrow a cliche, let's go down the rabbit hole. But on the way down, let's observe the dirt, the worms, the twists, the darkness, the sacred and the profane.

Episode 129: Refine Your Writing With Attention to Style - Sandra Scofield
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
However creative and brilliant you are, your work is evaluated (consciously or not) for its style. What to do? Add style-review to your writing process.

Episode 128: Poetry and Questions of Peace - Zach Savich
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Is peace the absence of conflict or a state that can exist within conflict? How can writing cultivate, reveal, practice, and advance personal and shared forms of peaceable assembly?

Episode 127: Writing the Elegy - Challenges and Approaches - Suzan Aizenberg
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Most of us who write feel the need to remember our dead in elegies, memoir, or fiction, a task that can be more difficult than we at first expect.

Episode 126: Me, Myself and I - The Transformative Power of Reflection in Nonfiction - Juliet Patterson
Friday, March 13, 2020
We often think about the tool of reflection in writing as a mode of thought or tone of voice we employ when we ruminate, meditate, contemplate or explain ...

Episode 125: Better Talky Talky - The Art and Craft of Strong Dialogue - Kelly Dwyer
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Episode 120: Revising Like a Hack - Screenwriting "Rules" as a Guide for Rewrites - Kerry Howley
Monday, October 28, 2019