The Eleventh Hour Podcast
The Writing University's Eleventh Hour podcast features recordings of illuminative craft talks from the renowned writers, novelists, poets, essayists who present at the Eleventh Hour Lecture Series during the University of Iowa's Iowa Summer Writing Festival.
Latest Episodes

Episode 131: Prepping for Publication: How and Where to Submit Your Manuscripts - Kelly Dwyer
Thursday, September 14, 2023
You've written and revised a novel, memoir, story, flash fiction, or poem, and now you want to submit it for publication.

Episode 130: Writing into (and out of) Trope, Cliche, and Abstraction - Anna Bruno
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
To borrow a cliche, let's go down the rabbit hole. But on the way down, let's observe the dirt, the worms, the twists, the darkness, the sacred and the profane.

Episode 129: Refine Your Writing With Attention to Style - Sandra Scofield
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
However creative and brilliant you are, your work is evaluated (consciously or not) for its style. What to do? Add style-review to your writing process.

Episode 128: Poetry and Questions of Peace - Zach Savich
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Is peace the absence of conflict or a state that can exist within conflict? How can writing cultivate, reveal, practice, and advance personal and shared forms of peaceable assembly?

Episode 127: Writing the Elegy - Challenges and Approaches - Suzan Aizenberg
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Most of us who write feel the need to remember our dead in elegies, memoir, or fiction, a task that can be more difficult than we at first expect.

Episode 126: Me, Myself and I - The Transformative Power of Reflection in Nonfiction - Juliet Patterson
Friday, March 13, 2020
We often think about the tool of reflection in writing as a mode of thought or tone of voice we employ when we ruminate, meditate, contemplate or explain ...

Episode 125: Better Talky Talky - The Art and Craft of Strong Dialogue - Kelly Dwyer
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Episode 120: Revising Like a Hack - Screenwriting "Rules" as a Guide for Rewrites - Kerry Howley
Monday, October 28, 2019

Episode 120: Revising Like a Hack - Screenwriting "Rules" as a Guide for Rewrites - Kerry Howley
Sunday, October 28, 2018