Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Writing Matters Podcast
cover of other minds, with hot pink and a drawing of a mobile phone

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On today's episode, host Blaine Greteman talks with Bennett Sims about his new collection Other Minds and Other Stories, which was published in November 2023 by Two Dollar Radio. They also discuss his process, inspiration and writing life. 

Bennett Sims is the author of the novel A Questionable Shape, which received the Bard Fiction Prize and was a finalist for The Believer Book Award, and the collection White Dialogues. He is a recipient of a Michener-Copernicus Society Fellowship and the Joseph Brodsky Rome Prize at the American Academy in Rome. His fiction has appeared in A Public SpaceConjunctionsElectric LiteratureTin House, and Zoetrope: All-Story, as well as in the Pushcart Prize Anthology. A graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop, Bennett divides his time between Iowa City, where he teaches in the Nonfiction Writing Program, and Berlin.
