Friday, November 11, 2022


It’s the Hayes family Christmas

There’s papaw and mamaw

Jacob and Jill Hayes

Tommy Hayes is the law

Jenny Hayes has eight kids

Uncle Jack saws the fiddle

Manny fixes cars

Crazy Aunt Donna speaks in a riddle

Ma and Pa Hayes host the event

The kids Susie Johnny and Billy are nuts

Great Papaw Moses Hayes in Ninety-nine

Now there’s a turkey sliced into cuts

Wait where’s the turkey cries Billy

Look the dogs cry Aunt Donna in shock

Sure enough those mangy mongrels

Ate the whole damn stock

There’s gobbler and mud everywhere

What a mess to see

Great grand poppy says let’s just eat the dogs

And suddenly these dogs try to flee

Settle down we’ve got plenty to eat

Says Ma Hayes with a smile

Look at the table my kin

Sure enough on the table was a pile

Not just any though

There are some of assorted makes

A true holiday classic

The whole house was full of fruitcakes



It’s the Hayes family Christmas

There’s papaw and mamaw

Jacob and Jill Hayes

Tommy Hayes is the law

Jenny Hayes has eight kids

Uncle Jack saws the fiddle

Manny fixes cars

Crazy Aunt Donna speaks in a riddle

Ma and Pa Hayes host the event

The kids Susie Johnny and Billy are nuts

Great Papaw Moses Hayes in Ninety-nine

Now there’s a turkey sliced into cuts

Wait where’s the turkey cries Billy

Look the dogs cry Aunt Donna in shock

Sure enough those mangy mongrels

Ate the whole damn stock

There’s gobbler and mud everywhere

What a mess to see

Great grand poppy says let’s just eat the dogs

And suddenly these dogs try to flee

Settle down we’ve got plenty to eat

Says Ma Hayes with a smile

Look at the table my kin

Sure enough on the table was a pile

Not just any though

There are some of assorted makes

A true holiday classic

The whole house was full of fruitcakes