My friend, you have been un-reasonably misled by
the underfed intellect of our de-lustrious walking dead,
with their limitless witlessness they divest nothing
of note while ingesting ignorance by fistfuls,
by rote, I proclaim these earthly monstrosities
to be my, if not sworn, then born, eternal enemies.
As I watch the increase in their treacheries, reaching
out to me, begging to be the cause of, some effect.
Should they fail to neglect their always stationary
position in life in which they object, to liberty.
I shall grant them the complacency so hungrily
devoured as my self-righteous pride is empowered
and their ritualized self-immolation sends smoke
signals to the blind, deaf, and mute who gather
in crowds to parrot their oppressors’
promise of “Hands up, don’t shoot.”
I sit comfortably on the sidelines of yet another
one of mankind’s generational dysfunctions, our
infamous integration policy assumptions which forever
flow in one direction.
Along a path ripping wide the family heart and soul
to the everpresent, government funded, house of