Thursday, July 30, 2020

The Writing University's Eleventh Hour podcast features recordings of illuminating craft talks from the renown writers, novelists, poets, essayists who present at the Eleventh Hour Lecture Series during the University of Iowa's Iowa Summer Writing Festival.

Each week we release a tailored craft talk from the series, focusing on a wide range of topics such as Transforming Life into Writing, Humor Writing, The Music of Language and so many more.

Episode #112: Writing with Death Looking Over Your Shoulder


In this episode re-release, Writing with Death Looking Over Your Shoulder, Lori Erickson discusses how death has haunted the work of countless authors. And even if we’re not writing about death directly, it often overshadows our creations, as we deal with the loss of loved ones and the inevitability of our own mortality. These struggles can be paralyzing, or they can usher in new insights. Lori Erickson will talk about how wrestling with questions relating to loss, grieving, and mortality can provide rich inspiration for our writing. This talk was originally recorded on Wednesday, July 25th, 2018 in the Phillips Auditorium on the University of Iowa campus.

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This talk was originally given on Wednesday, July 25th 2018 in the Phillips Auditorium on the University of Iowa campus.