Archive Date: April 22, 2016
Archive Text: Writers’ Workshop graduates Margaret Ross and Sara Deniz Akant read from their new books of poetry. Margaret Ross reads from A Timeshare, which was winner of The Omnidawn 1st/2nd Poetry Book Prize selected by Timothy Donnelly.
“In Ross’s remarkably wrought and intensely arresting first collection, we finally meet a p let who knows that syntax is a Doomsday Clock. These brilliant poems are the fine, uncanny inner workings of the soulful, moving mind of a real poet.” —Robyn Schiff
Margaret Ross’s poems have appeared in Boston Review, Fence and The New Yorker. Her work has been recognized with fellowships from the Fulbright Program, the Breadloaf Writers’ Conference and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. She is currently a Stegner Fellow at Stanford.
Sara Deniz Akant reads from Babette, published by Rescue Press, selected by Maggie Nelson for the Rescue Press Black Box Poetry Prize. "Let me tell you some things about Babette. It doesn't sound like anything else. Each page feels perfect. Each page brings an unheralded pleasure. It is a deeply weird, expert emissary from a world already fully formed."—Maggie Nelson
Sara Deniz Akant is the author of Parades and Latronic Strag. Her work has been recognized with fellowships from Yaddo, MacDowell, and the Iowa Writers' Workshop, and has appeared most recently in The Brooklyn Rail, The Denver Quarterly, jubilat, and Lana Turner. Akant has taught poetry and writing at the University of Iowa and the City University of New York. She currently lives and writes in Iowa City.